Shopping@Japan Service - Pricing
Please use our Cost Calculator for a quick estimation
➀ Spending Amount
- This is the amount you will incur as if you are buying in Japan locally, including:
- Product price of the shop / bidding price in auctions
- Sales tax (Current sales tax in Japan is 10%)
- Shipping & handling charge from seller
- Any other charges that may incur during purchase
➂ Bank Charge
- This is the fee for reimbursing our costs to convert/transfer the payment we received from you to the payment to the shop/seller. This will cover costs like currency conversion, our bank charges for making payment locally (e.g. transfer payment to Japan local bank).
- Our order entry page assumes that bank charge will be imposed for each item. Since bank charge is only charged per payment to the shop, if your order includes multiple item from the same shop, we will make adjustment in the quotation.
- Fixed Rate: 350yen per payment to shop / seller
- Float Rate: 5.5% x Spending Amount, or 600yen, whichever is higher
- Fixed Rate will be applied to orders from shop that accept online payment through credit card.
- Float Rate will be applied to the following types of order / payment:
- Auction orders (Yahoo!Auction, Mercari, Fril, Otamart etc.)
- Cash on delivery payment
- Bank transfer payment
- Postal office payment
- Convenience store payment
- Orders that we cannot support online credit card payment for other reasons, such as restrictions imposed by the seller/shop.
➃ International Shipping & Handling Charge
- Shipping charge from our warehouse to you.
- The charge is based on the destination country, shipping method chosen, and the package weight and size.
- Amount: Please refer to our Cost Calculator for estimation.
⑤ PayPal Fee
- Currently we only accept PayPal as payment. This will reimburse the charges imposed to us by PayPal.
- Amount: 5% of the invoice amount
Please use our Cost Calculator for estimation.
Price details:
Price of product you want = 3,000yen
Japan sales tax = 300yen
Shipping charge from the seller = 500yen
Shipping charge from our warehouse to you = 1,000yen
➀ Spending Amount = 3,000 +300 +500yen = 3,800yen
② Service charge: 3,800yen *10% = 380yen
③ Bank charges = 350yen
➃ International Shipping charges = 1,000yen
⑤ PayPal fee = (①3,800 +②380 +➂350 +➃1,000) *5% = 277yen
Invoice Total = ➀3,800yen +②380yen +③350 +④1,000 +⑤277 = 5,807yen